Coca-Colonization and the Anglo-Nordic Cluster
During the eighth and ninth class of
Intercultural management, we talked about the concept of Coca-Colonization and
the Anglo-Nordic Cluster of globe. First, I want to talk to about how is the
national culture affected by the arriving of international corporations that
might change the traditions and culture of a culture. Then, I will introduce
the topic presented by my classmates of the Anglo-Nordic cluster. Finally, I will
respond my research question; what is the impact of national culture in
organizational culture?
Coca-Colonization is the combination
of the name of Coca Cola company and the term of colonization, in other words, conquer
of Coca Cola and western (American culture) in the world.
The concept of Coca-Colonization
makes me to wonder if we are living a process of losing national cultures. In particular,
Colombia has passed through a rapid economic growth during the last decade,
making attractive the country for foreign investment and for Multinationals
Corporation. Now, is possible to find in every corner American fast food
companies that change the way we eat outside home.
Are we living a process of
universalization or westernization? First, let us define universalization and
westernization; “globalization understood as universalization refers to the
dispersion of various objects and experiences to people around the earth (Schmidt,
2015) ”.
By the other hand, we have the concept of westernization “it claims that
globalization is the spread of the western social structures of modernity (like
capitalism, rationalism, industrialism and individualism) to other countries,
destroying the existing cultures in the process”
According with the stated above, we
can say that the cultures around the world are living a process of westernization;
countries continuously adapt their politics for example to western customs. However,
despite the adaption of western rules, policies, customs, traditions,
celebrations and others, culture stills matters. Culture is something that have
been shaped during years meaning that a single company or culture would not be
able to change their artefacts and customs in the short term.
In conclusion, we are living a
process of universalization of a brand that has been able to enter to other
countries taking into account cultural artefacts, traditions, symbols and
customs in order to be more involved with the native culture.
Anglo Cluster:
South Africa, Australia, Canada,
Ireland, New Zeeland, the UK and the United States composed the Anglo cluster. These countries share the similarity that were
colonized by the British Empire and share the same language. Additionally, the
Anglo cluster share characteristics of competitiveness and result-oriented
meaning that for the Anglo cluster matters more the results that the creation
of relations in comparison with the Confucian Asian Cluster, the Latin American
Cluster and others (Ortony, 2014) .
Nordic European cluster:
The Nordic European cluster of
countries, which include Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, scored high on future
orientation, gender egalitarianism, institutional collectivism, and uncertainty
avoidance/acceptance of risk and low on assertiveness, in group collectivism,
and power distance (Ortony, 2014) . In my personal
opinion is what countries should appoint to, because shows how the power or
articulate institutions help in the construction of nations.
What is the impact of national culture in organizational culture?
According to Professor Barry Gerhart
“…claimed that management is culturally dependent and that if we see what
effective organizations in different cultures have done, we recognize that
their leaders did adapt foreign management ideas to local cultures” (Gerhart, s.f.) . However, reforming
local cultural traits is a difficult task and he recommends that for best
results multinational management practices should fit the local culture.
In other words, for and effective
entry and sustain during time, experts recommended to fit into the culture of
the country in order to be successful.
Gerhart, B.
(s.f.). Management and organization . Obtenido de
Ortony, A. (2014). Understanding
cultural metaphors . Obtenido de
Schmidt, H. (11 de
Marzo de 2015). Globalization and Culture .
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